The Evil Within 2 Summary


The Evil Within 2 Review

The best survival horror this year?

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The Evil Within 2 - How To Get All The Good Starting Weapons Quickly

The Evil Within 2 - How To Get All The Good Starting Weapons Quickly

How to get the Shotgun, Warden Crossbow, and Sniper Rifle as quickly as possible in Evil Within 2! The best tips for getting started!

The Evil Within 2's Denuvo DRM was cracked in a day because it was never there to begin with

The Evil Within 2's Denuvo DRM was cracked in a day because it was never there to begin with

There was a time when the much-maligned Denuvo 'anti tamper' DRM remained uncrackable for months at a time. Favoured by publishers as a way to circumvent software piracy risks, many players have been campaigning for its death even since - usually arguing that publishers assume any and all PC players will steal the game if able or that it'll lead to the growing trend of 'always online' gaming.

We put The Evil Within 2 to the test on a Mid-Range PC

We put The Evil Within 2 to the test on a Mid-Range PC

Evil Within 2 is out now, and we've got a Mid-Range PC Performance Test for you, showing what the game looks like and how it runs on all preset Graphics Settings - from Low to Ultra. Plus, lots of gameplay!

How Silent Hill influenced The Evil Within 2's town of Union

How Silent Hill influenced The Evil Within 2's town of Union

In our talk with director John Johanas he confirmed that Konami's Silent Hill was an inspiration for their setting of Union in The Evil Within 2.

The Evil Within 2 launches on Friday 13th, here's the Launch Trailer

The Evil Within 2 launches on Friday 13th, here's the Launch Trailer

The sequel to the 2014 survival horror game from the mind of Shinji Mikami, The Evil Within 2, is set to be released on Friday 13th for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. To celebrate this, Bethesda has sent over the launch trailer, which shows lots of blood, head explosions and other grizzly sights. The first game was a survival horror that we thoroughly enjoyed, a sort of cross between Resident Evil 4 and Silent Hill. It did have its problems though, mainly due to technical issues with the camera angles and such, but The Evil Within 2 looks set to improve on this and offer a much better experience.

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